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Where I'm from

Caleb Bland


World lit.

25 August 2016

I am from a basketball, from shoes, and the PlayStation.

I am from the basketball court that makes me feel like myself.

I am from the fried chicken with the crispy fry and the rice

I am from watching football together as a family every Sunday and black hair, from               Willie Bland, the Santiago’s, and the Bland’s.

I am from the birthmarks on the face, and the tallness of 6’5”.

From “Never give up “and “Try your best”.

I am from the cross of Christianity.

I’m from Georgia, chicken adobo and fried rice.

From the summer festival in Springfield Mass. Where my dad got the 1st triple double in the summer tournament, the meeting of famous basketball players, and the hilarious jokes grandpa tells.

I am from my dad almost making the NCAA but he got a dislocated shoulder.

I am from the things that made me who I am.

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